Thank you Coreymills and creeser01 for the feedback you left on the product you purchased from my store! Leave me a comment with your email and the item you would like from my store and I will send it to you :)

Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Feedback Freebie!
Does anyone else get frustrated with the lack of feedback left on your products that people purchase on TPT? I mean come on people, you get credit towards your next purchase for leaving feedback! In an effort to encourage some feedback, I'm going to offer a free product to anyone who leaves feedback on a product they purchased (cannot be a feedback for a free item) from my store. So....if you have purchased one of my products in the past and never left feedback, go do so and you can pick another product from my store for free! If you have one of my products on your wishlist, today would be the day to buy because if you purchase it and leave feedback, I will let you pick out another product! This deal will be good for TODAY only. Tomorrow I will post the names of those who left feedback today and you will be able to pick out another item from my store! Enjoy this beautiful Sunday!
Friday, September 27, 2013
New Blogger-Shearer-ly Sadler 4th Grade!
I had high hopes of posting a great post on some of the things we did this week, but I just don't have the energy. Instead I want to introduce you to a new 4th grade blogger. If you are like me, you love finding new blogs to follow. Go check out Tobi from Shearer-ly Sadler 4th Grade.
Happy Friday!!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
I Can Statement Winners!
Thanks to all of you who commented on my last post! I decided to give everyone that commented a set of my "I Can" Statements. I will email those out this afternoon! If you missed the chance at the freebie and are still interested, click on the picture below to check them out in my TPT store!
Happy Saturday!!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I Can Statements- Possible Freebie!
Does anyone else have to post Common Core Standards? I remembered reading some blogs this summer of teachers saying they had to post standards, and I thought how glad I was that I didn't have to do that. Well, wouldn't you the last faculty meeting, my principal said we need to start posting standards. Obviously, I couldn't just print out some boring black and white standards or write them on the board. I had to make sure they looked cute! So if you are looking for some "cute" 4th grade "I Can" statements, leave a comment below and I will pick a random comment or two to win a set!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Animal Poster Projects!
Our first unit in science is on animals so we finished up the chapter by making posters. The students had to make a poster that explained invertebrates and each of the vertebrate groups. They completed these in class and they turned out great! They were excited to get to show them off to their peers today. We did a gallery walk and laid the posters out around the room. The students wandered about looking at each of the posters and then left positive feedback for the poster's creator. I made sure all posters received comments and they loved it! They were so excited to leave comments on their classmates' posters and even more excited to look at the comments they received! Here are some pictures from our gallery walk!
Let me know if you would like the directions and rubric handout that I created for this project and I can email it to you!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Earth Rounds-Natural Resources Project!
I mentioned in my last post that in social studies my students would be making "Earth Rounds." This hands-on project allows students to see what portion of the Earth is land and water and then what part of the land is inhabitable and uninhabitable. It is also a good way to show students that our resources are limited. This is a free Laura Candler activity. You can find the handout that goes along with this activity here.
Here are some pictures of the completed projects!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Currently September!
Wow! September already? I'm excited to be able to link up with Farley for her monthly currently linky!
Listening: OMG it just so happens that Florida Georgia Line is playing on the Today Show right now ANDDD they are playing my favorite song ANDDD NELLY came out!!! What a way to start the day!!
Loving: As many of you know, I went to visit my brother out in California last month, well he is back home for about a month! He decided he can work from home for a while, so I now have a new roomie! It has been great having him back!!
Thinking: Mumford and Sons TONIGHT!
Wanting: I have had soooo much going on lately that I can't seem to get a good night's sleep! Ughhh
Needing: This Common Core stuff is killing me! I am trying so hard to get my head wrapped around it, but I'm struggling! I just still don't feel like I am teaching math in a "Common Core" way.
Last but not least, three goals for myself this month: I have got to get back to the gym and into a routine, I need to work on eating healthier, and I need to make time to stay in touch with friends!
Enjoy your LABOR DAY!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
A Peek at My Week
I'm excited to be able to link up with Jennifer at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings, for her Peek at My Week Linky!
I have lots of exciting things going on this week and I'm excited to share them with you! Just a little warning, most of the exciting things are not school related....sorry!
Monday---NO SCHOOL woo-hoo! I really do love my students this year, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited to have the day off. Especially because I get to go to a concert! I'm a little obsessed with Mumford and Sons right now and it just so happens that my aunt has VIP tickets to their concert tomorrow and she didn't want them! So my brother and a couple friends and I will be headed off to INDY to listen to this......
Tuesday- I took the day off because I will be driving back from Indy. I know what you're took a personal day ALREADY?? Yep, I just couldn't pass up going to see Mumford and Sons! So I plan on catching up on housework and those boring grown up things on Tuesday.
Wednesday-Back to work! I am super excited to get to complete a fun Laura Candler project on resources on Wednesday. We will be completing "Earth Rounds." I did this project last year and the students had a lot of fun with it! This activity demonstrates that only a small part of our planet is inhabitable and that our resources our limited. We have been talking about natural resources and conserving them, so this project ties in perfectly! You can find the Laura Candler freebie by clicking here. Here is a picture of what we will be creating:
Thursday-We will be reviewing our place value unit with some great Common Core aligned games from Cynthia Vautrot. You can check them out at her TPT store by clicking the picture below.
Friday-I will be headed back to Indy for another concert on Saturday. On Saturday I will be listening to this:
It's going to be a busy week, but I wouldn't have it any other way! What are you up to this week? I promise to work on having some actual school related posts realllll soon!
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