I am back again linking up with 4th Grade Frolics' Monday Made It! Andddd this time I have something that I actually made!

Good ol' Pinterest has gotten me obsessed with the painted wine bottles and Mason jars. Luckily, I just so happen to love wine....so I had a few empty wine bottles laying around :) I should know by now that nothing that looks easy actually is easy, but I really thought painting some bottles and jars would be. The tutorials I read all said it would be! Well.....after multiple attempts I finally figured it out! Below is the link to my original inspiration.
To start this project I soaked the bottles and jars in warm water to make it easier to peel off any labeling. I then used a scratch pad to get any extra glue off. Make sure the bottles are completely dry before you get started. The paint I chose was just el cheapo acrylic paint from Walmart. The hardest part was deciding what color to choose! I used an old yogurt cup to mix the paint and water in. Now this is where it took me multiple tries....one post I read said to mix the paint with a little water. By little they mean like hardly any! The first couple of times I put in way too much water and then the paint didn't stick to the jars. So be sure to just put a few drops of water in with the paint and mix it together. Next up, pour the paint into the jar or bottle. The yogurt cup I used made it easy to pour, even into the wine bottle. I also looked at a couple tutorials that said to use a funnel or paint syringe. Once you have poured in the paint, hold the bottle or jar horizontally and slowly rotate it around to get the paint to fully cover the jar. After you have done this, set the bottles upright to let any extra paint drip out and then let dry over night! Use a wet paper towel to wipe away any paint that dripped onto the outside of the bottle. There you have it! Here are some pictures of my final products!
Has anyone else tried this? I thought it might be cute to put some sort of vinyl saying around the jars? Any other suggestions how to make these even cuter??
What projects have you been working on?