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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Stitch Fix #16

My friend Caitlyn, over at Sliding into First, text me to see if I would be blogging about my latest Stitch Fix box. I told her I would share if she would share hers! I think I have gotten her hooked on Stitch Fix!

I have had the same stylist the past few times now and she totally knows my style. She has picked out some great clothes that I just can't seem to pass up. 

Look what I got this time!

Here is the back of this cute!

Here is a list of the prices. At the bottom you can see that if you purchase all 5 items, you get a 25% discount. 

If you haven't tried Stitch Fix yet, you are missing out! It is super fun and if you end up hating it all you are only out $20. I would love it if you used my referral link if you are thinking about signing up. Let me know if you have any questions about it!

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Best Pencil Sharpener in the Best Color!

Classroom Friendly Supplies is an awesome company created by a teacher, Troy Decoff, that provides the BEST pencil sharpener! Not only is this pencil sharpener super quiet, but it will also sharpen ANY pencil! You know those crappy pencils with the plastic decorative covering that students can never sharpen?? Well, this baby will sharpen even those!

I have had one of these pencil sharpeners for a couple years now, and I will never use another sharpener. I have even gotten numerous teachers at my school to buy one too, and they all love it!

I was super excited when I was offered the chance to be one of the first to receive the newest color!
My students and I were so excited when our new sharpener was delivered to our room! Here it is!!

If you have not bought your Classroom Friendly Supplies sharpener, I highly recommend you try it out! You will not be disappointed! Click on the image below to head to their website. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Science Gallery Walk!

My students always get excited when I tell them they will be learning about animals in science. This year one of my students is an animal expert! She knows soooo much about different types of animals that it is crazy! She has given us way more knowledge on animals than the textbook!

Last year I had my students make animal posters, and the activity went so well that I did it again this year. The students were divided into small groups, and they had to make a poster that showcased invertebrates and the 5 vertebrate groups. They had to write a detailed description of each group and include pictures. They were allowed to print out pictures, cut out pictures from magazines, or draw their own pictures. 

When the groups finished, we displayed the posters around the classroom. The students then did a gallery walk, observing each of the posters. They were given sticky-notes to write compliments for each of the posters and then place the sticky note by that poster. 

The students felt great when they got to read the compliments that their classmates gave them on the posters that they had worked so hard to create!

Here are a few pictures of the final projects!

We also used my Vertebrate and Invertebrate Task Cards and "I Have, Who Has" Game to wrap up this chapter. 

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Task Cards

Vertebrates and Invertebrates "I Have, Who Has" Game

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Frindle by Andrew Clements

My class has just finished their second novel of the school year already. We just finished reading Frindle by Andrew Clements. 

This is a book about a young boy named Nick, who decides to invent a new word. He has no idea all of the drama and attention that would ensue as he puts his plan into action. His idea becomes bigger and bigger, and all Nick can do is sit back and watch it all happen. 

My students loved this book and were a little shocked by the ending! 

I used a great packet put together by Jessica Lawler as we read this book. 

Frindle MEGA Activity Packet: A Novel Study of the book by

The packet included questions for each chapter and interactive notebook templates. I used the interactive notebook parts to put together a final lapbook project. Here are some pictures of the final project. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Well....What do you think??

So, how do I look?? My blog got a new design! I have been needing a new look for a long time! 
I want to give a shout out to Lindsay at L. Paull Designs. She did a great job and was so easy to work with. If you are looking for a new blog design, I would highly recommend her!

L. Paull Designs for All

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

My students just finished their first novel of the school year, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. This is a great book to start the year off with because it is a quick, easy and fun novel. I really made an effort to have my students read as many novels as possible last year, and it paid off. My students showed more growth in their reading scores than any classes in the past have shown. So, I'm going to read just as many if not more novels with this year's class!

Renee Smalley has an awesome novel study that goes along with Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It has a reading skills worksheets that go with each chapter and then ends with a character trait art project.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing {Novel Study & Art Project}

Here are a few pictures of  the completed projects that my students made. 

What novel do you use at the beginning of the year?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Story of My Name Writing Activity

My students completed their first writing activity of the year, and it turned out great! Fourth and Ten has a great beginning of the year writing activity to use with your students.

Students start by filling out a form asking their parents how they got their name. They then use that information to complete a prewriting organizer and then turn that into their final product. When they are done with the writing portion, they can complete the craftivity part! 

Take a look at some of my students' finished products! We hung them up on their lockers to show them off!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Fabulous Followers Giveaway!

My blogging friend and real life friend Cait, over at Sliding into First, is having a giveaway! She has some great prizes that she is giving away. You can click on the picture below to head on over to Cait's blog or enter the giveaway in the rafflecopter below :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

B2S Teacher Gift

My boyfriend's mom is also a teacher, and she loves Dr. Seuss. When I saw that there was a new Dr. Seuss book out, I knew it would be the perfect back to school gift for her!

The cute tag was a free printable from The Creative Workshop!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Assess Me! Week 2

I had fun linking up with the Tattooed Teacher's Assess Me linky last week, so I'm doing it again this week! This is such a fun get to know you assessment. 

1. I would totally wear jeans to school every day if I could!
2. I'm not a big jewelry person, but if I'm going to wear anything it is earrings. 
3. Original for sure!
4. I'm kinda liking gold these days!
5. I'm a country girl. 
6. Hate going to the store....if I could buy everything online I would!
7. I can't sit still long enough to take a bath. 
8. Story keeper for sure. 
9. I love being home!
10. I just love food period but I like going out to dinner more than breakfast. 
11. Coffee with lots of sugar and lots of creamer and a little room left for the actual coffee. 
12. I never could pull an all nighter....I'm the girl that they pulled pranks on at slumber parties bc I always feel asleep first!
13. I really don't like dressing up. 
14. Lightning is pretty!
15. Flats all the way. 
16. I like to fly. 
17. Don't watch either. 
18. Love me some AC. 

Ok, now it's your turn to go link up!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Stitch Fix #15

Yep, you read that right...this is Fix #15. I'm addicted and loved everything in this fix too!

Image result for stitch fix

I have had the same stylist that last few times and she is awesome! The best part is that the notes that she sends along are always personalized! In my last fix I told her I wanted something to wear on vacation in San Francisco, so this time she asked how my trip went! Love that! This time I told her I wanted some cute and comfy outfits to wear back to school!
To start with, here is the styling card that came with the clothes. 

1. Renee C Ventura Keyhole Top $44- So I love this top but it is 100% Rayon and the last two tops I had that were that material shrunk :( I handwashed them in cold water just like the directions said and they still shrunk. Has anyone else had this problem with that material? Do I just need get this material dry-cleaned?

2. Loveappella Cheyanne Printed Maxi Skirt $58-This skirt is so comfy and would be great to wear to school!


3. Gilli Joanna Dress $58- I absolutely love this dress!!!

4. 41 Hawthorn Veria Cross Over Knit Top $48- This top is very soft. If I keep this though, I need to find a tank to wear under it because it is too low. 

5. Kut From the Kloth Siena Cropped Pant $58- These were super cute but I just didn't love the way they fit on me. 

Now I just have to decide what to keep! When you purchase everything you get 25% off which really makes it a pretty good deal! The pants are the only item I don't care for but it would be cheaper to keep it all than to just send back the pants. Decisions, Decisions!!

Have you been wanting to try Stitch Fix? I would love it if you used my referral code: 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

B2S in a Flash: Curriculum Must Haves

I am super excited about the big TpT sale that starts tomorrow because my wishlist is huge! After reading a bunch of posts linked up to the Back to School in a Flash linky, my wishlist has grown even larger! I decided I needed to link up too!

Here is the focus for this week's linky: 

First up is my newly revamped Out of My Mind unit. This book by Sharon Draper usually ends up being my students' favorite book that we read in 4th grade. 

I have soooo many products that I have purchased on TpT that I love, love, love, but the one that I have been using the longest is Fancy Free in 4th's Teach Root Words All Year Long. I love this product and so do my students. I think it has really helped my students when it comes to all of the testing that they have to do. 

I have a ridiculous amount of products on my wishlist and it's going to be hard to narrow it down tomorrow, but one of the products I for sure am going to get is Ideas by Jivey's Mentor Sentences Unit. I have heard so many rave reviews about her mentor sentences and I really want to try them! 

What are some of your curriculum must haves??

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just Curious....Let's Take a Poll!

As I slowly get into back to school mode, I am trying to stick to a budget. Every year I tell myself I am not going to spend a ton of money on back to school stuff and then I do. This year I realllyyyy need a new chair for my desk. My chair used to move up and down and now it's broken because my chair is a million years old, so now I pretty much just sit on the floor. I have been looking at desk chairs and they are so expensive! I feel like this is an item that my school should buy me, but they don't. We don't get any money to spend for the school year either :(. 

So I'm curious...does your school give you any back to school money or money to spend throughout the year? Does your school replace any furniture or is that up to you to replace?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Shopkick! Because I Love Free Stuff!

I think I have shared about Shopkick before, but I just earned another free gift card and I want you to also! Shopkick is a fun app that allows you to earn points just by walking into stores. Points can also be earned by scanning specific products, and some stores even allow you to link your credit card and earn points for making purchases. The app is totally free and I have already earned $50 in gift cards. Download the app now and start earning points! Click the image below to learn more or to download.  (The image is linked to my referral ID)

Image result for shopkick

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Two for Tuesday!

I have been giving several of my TpT products "facelifts" recently, so I'm linking up with Chalk One Up for the Teacher to showcase two of those products at 50% off! I'm late getting this posted so the products will be half off until I remember to change it back tomorrow (7/29). 

First up is my "I Have, Who Has" Light and Sound. 

"I Have, Who Has" Light and Sound

Next up is my "I Have, Who Has" Ecosystems and Food Chains. 

I Have, Who Has Ecosystems and Food Chains

My goal for the summer was to make an "I have, who has" review game for each chapter that we cover in science and I only have one left to do!