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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bike Day!

We have been having lots of fun in the 4th grade for our last full week of school! Yesterday our 4th graders competed in Bike Day! All 82 of our 4th graders brought their bikes to school. The day started off with a nice bike ride around town. This ride definitely separated the strong from the weak! One of our teachers rode behind in her car encouraging the stragglers along! We even made a trip over to the K-3 building where we rode around in the parking lot until some of the classes spotted us and came out to cheer us on! 
In the afternoon we had three different stations set up. One station featured a local "bike guy" who showed the kids how to make sure their bike was safe to ride and how to keep it in good condition. He also showed them how to change a flat tire! He was even kind enough to fix a couple of the bikes that had broken throughout the day!
Another station featured the local police officers, and they taught the kids bike safety. At the end, they had each student practice riding and using the correct hand signals when stopping or turning. 
The last station featured a bike ride to a nearby park. 
With only one injured student, I would say the day was a success! 

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